Indosat Ooredoo Stock Trading ContestIndosat Ooredoo Stock Trading Contest (ISTC) is design to help the young generation to learn investment in stock virtualy with real time data
Online virtual trading system is provided by PT Trimegah Securities As a participant of ISTC you can join the competition by using the features available in this application. This application will allow you to learn how to invest in stocks and gain useful experience before entering the stock markets as real investors.
Simple, Fast, and Convenient User Interface• Simple navigation from one page to another• Fast access to order book from homepage, portfolio, watchlist, and search functions
Financial Planning• Easy-to-use DIY financial planning to allow participant understand their risk profile, investment objectives, financial constraints, and main preferences.• Easy-to-read financial planning report to allow participant understands their financial goals.
Trading Ideas• Trading recommendations from Trimegah Research Division, that will be useful for participant trading decision.
Portfolio Performance• Easy to understand chart represent portfolio performance.• Portfolio performance against index.
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